How I Use My Notebooks: Three Good Things

I’ve been going through a rough time lately, and as many people have been so kind to say, staying optimistic despite all the bad things that I’ve had to deal with lately is key to getting through this terrible time. That is, of course, easier said than done. My mind tends to latch on to the painful and scary parts of the day, to the bad feelings, anxiety and doubt. It doesn’t help that we are all living through difficult times, and it’s hard to see and end in sight.

So I’ve started a new habit during the past month, and it’s helping me end the day on a positive note, with an added bonus of helping me use up some of my many notebooks.

I end each day by writing at least three good things that happened that day. I dedicate a page for each day, in my Dingbats notebook, with “Three Good Things” as the title, the date and day, and then the list of good things. It doesn’t take more than a few minutes to find that day’s three good things, and for most days so far I’ve managed to find more than three good things to reflect on. They are usually conversations that I had with friends, or moments where I felt like my old self, or things that I enjoyed reading or watching.

Writing these down has been so helpful in getting me to see the good in each day, and in trying to stay positive when life is pretty tough.

8 thoughts on “How I Use My Notebooks: Three Good Things

  1. Daphna Kedmi

    Your decision to look for the good things in each of your days, even those in which the good things are hard to find, and then finding them, is a testament to your character, your optimism, and your strength. They say that our ordeals, our hard patches, are where our true character shows, and you shine through the darkness of this moment in your life. I know that you will see this through and come out stronger than ever. Thank you for sharing.

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  2. Tina Koyama

    I’m so sorry to hear about your health issues (I am only now catching up). It’s wonderful that “3 good things” are helping you cope. During the first year of the pandemic, I’m not sure I could come up with even 3 a day, but I kept a journal to write “one kind thought” about someone I encountered that day, even if it was just the mail carrier. It does help to keep from becoming self-absorbed. Best wishes to you and your recovery. I’m sure it is very challenging all around.

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