This Week’s Long Run: Sunrise Over the River

It’s that boiling hot and extra humid time of year, which means I hit the road at 5:15 today to get my 10k run in. It was dark when I set out, but I was awarded with this sunrise by the time I reached the park:

Is that not worth the early rise?

There was a convention of birds on the boat pier in the river: a pied kingfisher and two Egyptian geese were perched pretty close to each other (the kingfisher is the tiny bird on top of the pole in the centre of the photograph).

Then I saw a man paddling a blue kayak  down the river, past a flock of grazing geese, and even though I hadn’t planned on taking another photo stop, I just had to get this shot.

I ran a little over 10k, just before the heat started to set in, and then rewarded myself with two coffees for my pre-dawn effort 🙂

This Week’s Long Run: Parakeets in the Sunrise

The heat here is getting more intense, which means that I’m moving more of my runs to the mornings, and setting out earlier each time. It was completely dark when I set out on my long run today, and my running app (NRC) clocked my run as a night run. For some reason I found that hilarious.

There are green parakeets all over the park, but they’re usually too flighty for me to photograph them. Today they stayed and played a bit in the trees, so I got get a few blurry shots of their silhouettes. Yay!

My iPhone 8 had a much better camera, but I’m on an iPhone 6s now because my iPhone 8’s modem shorted for no reason and can’t be fixed. So for now, this is the best that I’ve got.

A night heron was also obliging enough to strike a pose on the river bank. I love how elegant they are.

There was a photographer on a nearby bench taking pictures of this fellow, so he must have felt popular today.

Another night heron had an even better perch, on top of the peddle boats pier.

And we end with a photo from the beginning of my run, with the sun rising over the river.

Early morning run: sunrise over the marina

There’s not much to say about this run except that I really needed it and really enjoyed it. So many bad things are going on in my life right now, it’s good to have running as a way of letting out some steam and escaping for a while.

This week’s long run: cormorants

It’s funny going on a morning run and seeing the moon for a good part of the way.

Sunrise wasn’t too far away though, and with the waves and the clouds it painted a very pretty picture:

In the park a pair of hoopoes was shy enough to keep their distance, but I still managed to get a shot of one of them. Their colouring seems so bold until you see them by the mud of the riverbank.

Then it was cormorants all the way, from their usual tree, to a fishing pair in the river:

They really can dive, and I spent a minute or two trying to guess where they’ll emerge next.

All in all a good 10k run in pretty chilly weather.

This week’s long run: seagulls and Serial

For the first time ever I ran two 10ks in a week, and my legs kind of hate me right now.

I listened to the last episode of season 3 of Serial and it was heartbreaking, as was this entire season.

Seagulls in the sunrise:

And ducks:

Not sure if you can see them there, but here are some baby Egyptian geese with their parents:

Seagulls perched on boats, which is pretty unusual, as they normally don’t fly this far up river.

A kingfisher perched on a wire:

And finally some Egyptian geese grazing near the path:

This week’s long run: taper

I have a 10k this week, so today’s long run was on the short side: only 7k.

A few pretty sunrise photos:

And now, the birds:

This week’s long run: tiny duckling and race starting lines

Set out early as we’re in the midst of a heat wave (yes, it’s November) and I didn’t fancy running in the sun.

So dark outside…

A few km in and I saw two herons resting on the water’s edge.

Then came the Egyptian geese:

And a mallard mom with her ducklings:

I love seeing the sun rise over the river:

And over a grumpy night heron:

More Egyptian geese on the way:

A little egret perched on a boat:

The starting line gate for upcoming Tel Aviv Night Run is already up:

A great 10k, my last one before the Night Run race.

This week’s long run: dark and flighty

Set out while it was still dark outside:

Was rewarded by an awesome sunrise:

And some Egyptian geese:

As well as a pied kingfisher on the hunt:

A white-throated kingfisher was perching on a wire above the boat dock (you can barely see him, I know, but they’re flighty, so I couldn’t get nearer):

I was super surprised to see a ring-necked dove, as they’ve been overrun by common pigeons:

On the way back I saw a gathering of kayaks in the sea, which was a first for me:

A little over 10K on a very interesting run:

This week’s long run: Miami sunrises and sitting geese

This is probably going to be my last 10K long run before my next race. I set out just as the sun was rising, and since not many people were around, the birds weren’t as flighty as usual (pun intended). So I got pretty close to this night heron, and even closer to several Egytian geese, including the handsome fellow I photographed below. These birds are pretty big, and I didn’t want to get on their wrong side, so I just admired them as I ran by.


This was today’s sunrise. It was pretty stunning, but I should have taken better notice of those clouds. It rained for the last 10 minutes of my run, which was refreshing at first, but as the sidewalks got slippery, pretty dangerous later on.