Living Through Difficult Times and Inktober Day 25

I had a phone call with an old friend today, and he asked me what I do to stay sane these days. I told him that I’m back to my chemo routine:

  • Wake up in the morning, take care of my cats and my plants.
  • Do some form of physical activity: run, gym, Nike Training Club workout, walk, something. This is non-negotiable since without it I get very depressed very quickly.
  • Work as best as I can.
  • Have a conversation with at least one friend. Messaging and emails don’t count — phone calls, zoom calls, face to face only. Yes, it makes a difference. I hate making phone calls too — it’s still worth it.
  • Talk to my family as much as possible.
  • Cuddle my cats. They’re very cuddly, and it helps. The little one in particular is velcro.
  • Journal, at least two times a day (morning and evening). These days I go for a midday session too. Write what’s going on and what I’m feeling to process it.
  • Read. It’s always been a comfort to me, and while most people can’t read during treatments and many can’t bring themselves to read anything but the news now, I’ve always found comfort in books.
  • Build Lego every night. It’s the best meditation ever. You can’t feel scared while building Lego. Your mind can’t race while building Lego. There’s only the Lego. And in the end you have something cool in your hands that you’ve built.

It worked then, and so far it works now.

5 thoughts on “Living Through Difficult Times and Inktober Day 25

  1. miatagrrl

    I’m sorry that you have to use your chemo self-care tactics again, but thank you for sharing them. I am not going through the same thing as you are, but I could use those ideas. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Living Through Difficult Times and Inktober Day 25 – Writing at Large

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