Inktober Day 15: Egyptian Geese

These fellows are fierce warriors, so all the runners know to give them a wide berth. Saw this pair during my weekend long run.
I haven’t played around with brush pens in a while, and I’ve been meaning to give a few of them a spin, so this was sketched with a Tombow Fudenosuke soft brush pen on an A4 Midori MD Cotton notebook. I thought about adding a spot of colour to this sketch, but opted for now to leave it black and white.
P.S. using brush pens right now is intensly difficult, as I can barely feel my fingers. My neuropathy gets worse the colder it is, and right now I’m only vaguely aware that my fingers exist. At least that makes sure that I sketch more from my arm and shoulder than my fingers – so proper technique 🙂

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